Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Will It Never End?

For the past week and a half my life has consisted of these...

After 7 nights of interupted sleep due to body attempting to liberate all of my organs via my 80-year-old's smoker's hack, I am looking to this single bottle to do what an entire pharmacy's been unable to do. Give me a single night of uninterupted sleep; a night without coughing my throat raw.

*note to Gma

Although, on the bright side, due to last night's coughing jag, I was able to catch up on 3 episodes worth of "Cashmere Mafia" and 2 episodes of "So Graham Norton." (there's an ad sales pitch to Robitussin in there somewhere...)

*I would like to point out the blurring. Look how careful I'm being about stalkers and whatnot.