Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've Had Worse Ideas

Since becoming engaged I have done 2 things to prepare for the upcoming wedding:
  • Bought 2 bridal magazines.
  • Created a wedding budget. Without any numbers in it.
  • Became so overwhelmed with the potential cost of the wedding that I shut off my laptop. And thought about hiding it under the bed so I wouldn’t have to think about it again.

Ok, so I guess I’ve done more than 2 things.

Thoughts that have run through my head in the past 24 hours so far regarding the wedding:

  • Can I sponsor the wedding?
  • See if Jameson will sponsor the bar. Lord knows that between Sean and his dad the sponsorship would pay for itself.
  • How many banners could I fit in the venue?
  • Tablecards with the sponsor logo and message aren’t that intrusive.
  • So we make the best man give a 3 minute shout out to sponsoring company at the end of his speech – no one’s really listening anyway.
  • Portillo’s caters. And they have a location in Buena Park – even better than ordering from the one in Downers Grove.
  • Potluck for a party of 100… I’ve had worse ideas.
  • I wonder what Jimmy’s doing the week before the wedding. He says he’s a sous chef…
  • Single-handedly find cure for arthritis so G-ma can make the wedding dress.
  • We will be in Vegas in August…


Marla and Todd said...

Think simplicity. Think setting. Think about what is the best expression of your love. There are so many beautiful outside places you could use in CA and once you found the perfect caterer, you could decide on how the cake, champagne and "food" choices would go. Everyone is their to celebrate you two, and we've been doing that all through your courtship. The wedding is just that final step and there is no reason it needs to be over the top. I think if you asked most couples, they'd have spent less and done less for their wedding so they could have more later. But, that's just me. It will be perfect however you plan it!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Marla is right. In the end, nobody really remembers the wedding favors or things like that, we remember how much fun we had and how happy you guys looked on your wedding day!

Sean said...

"See if Jameson will sponsor the bar. Lord knows that between Sean and his dad the sponsorship would pay for itself."

Hey! I resemble that remark!