Friday, October 26, 2007

San Francisco

Last weekend (Oct. 19-21) we spent a quick weekend in San Francisco to watch our friend Angela run her first marathon (the Nike Women's Marathon). We hardly need an excuse to go to one of our favorite cities in the country, but cheering Angela on was a great excuse.

Our hotel was great (not as great as the Kimpton hotels up there, but it was great nontheless). We stayed at the Hyatt Regency on the Embarcadero. Here's a view from our room:

We arrived late Friday night and met up with Angela and a friend of hers for dinner. Then we called it a night because I'm an old lady and have an old lady bedtime.

Saturday, we met up with Angela and we went to Hang Ah Tea Room - the BEST dim sum restaurant in San Francisco. We ate like kings who stuffed themselves past the point of bursting for only $22. $22!!!! Insanity.

Afterwards, we dropped Angela off at the black hole that was Niketown where all of the 22,000 marathoners were picking up their commemerative shirts, bags and sweatshirts. We went to Cafe Trieste for coffee and a snack. I know you must be wondering what it's like to be me on all of my travels. Here's what I typically see when traveling with Sean:

Here's the fiance mugging for the camera. Notice the scruffiness - his souveneir for me from his trip to Ireland. (I really do like it, by the way.)

After this picture was taken we met up with our friend Adam and headed to Zeitgeist, where we met up with our friend Eric. Zietgeist is now in my top 3 list of favorite bars. As Sean said, it's the least pretentious bar. Ever. It had a great big outdoor patio (patio's putting it mildly - it's a big expanse of dirt with rows of dirty picnic tables) and was filled with every single type of person imaginable: hipsters, faux-hipsters, bikers, bike messengers, stoners, tourists, the list goes on. They make fantastically strong bloody Marys (strong in both spice and alcohol content) and you can't knock a place that has a wall of port-a-potties in the back in order to keep the line for the real bathrooms inside short.

Sunday was the marathon - the big event we came up here for. Angela's spent the last 6-8 months training with Team In Training for the marathon. Here she is at mile 12. TNT raises money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - so all of the ribbons on her back are for people that she knows with Leukemia or lymphoma. (there's one for JG on there.)

And here's Angela at mile 26!!! Only .2 miles to go until a fireman in a tux hands her a Tiffany necklace.
In the TNT tent at the finish line. I am super incredibly proud of Angela for not only running the marathon, but for sticking to her long training schedule and accomplishing a major goal. Kudos to her.
And, finally, a picture of two of marathoners in my life. I'm not sure what it is about me... it seems that more and more people in my life want to run as FAR AWAY from me as they possibly can.

1 comment:

blakwngbrd said...

Sean looks bizarrely like Matt Dillon in that first picture!

I love Zeitgeist too - did the tamale lady come by while you were there?