Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Crawling in Downtown Santa Ana

This past Saturday, downtown Santa Ana sponsored the Santa Ana Pub Crawl. 6 restaurants in the burgeoning downtown participated by offering specials on food and drinks to people participating in the crawl. We were given ‘crawler cards’ at the first restaurant we went to and each additional restaurant would then stamp it once you bought something. At the end of the evening, you could turn your card in to win fabulous free prizes.

I’m really glad our friends told us about the crawl. Sean and I discovered a bunch of new restaurants that we really enjoyed and if it hadn’t been for the crawl, we wouldn’t have ever known about them. Lucky for us, but unlucky for our wallets, we discovered at least 1 restaurant (Jason’s) and 1 bar (The Crosby) that we want to try again.

I really like Santa Ana. But too many people in Orange County think it’s a nothing more than a series of barrios. One – those people are fools. And Two – they don’t know what they’re talking about. Downtown Santa Ana is awesome and I can't wait to make to hang out in the area more often.

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