Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We took another trip to the house site and I was pleasantly surprised with all of the progress that’s been made since the last time we visited.
1. It feels real now!
Up until this point, when I would walk through the house I never got a sense that it was ‘my house.’ It always felt like I was simply walking through a construction site. But once the drywall went up I was finally able to see the rooms for what they were and that’s when the switch went off in my head and I realized that this is our home.

2. We have kitchen cabinets!
I am absolutely salivating over all of the cabinet space we’ll have in the kitchen. This is at least 4 times more cabinet and storage space that we have in our current 2-butt kitchen.

3. We have railings!
4. We have a roof with shingles!

I’m now getting pretty anxious to move in. To clarify, I’m actually getting pretty anxious to start painting. After living in a condo that we couldn’t paint for the last 4 years, I’m super excited to finally create an environment that suits us perfectly by adding some color to the walls.

I’ve also been spending an inordinate amount of time each night on Craigslist scouring listings for furniture (patio and living room). We don’t need a lot of furniture, just a few pieces that we’ve always wanted to purchase (hutch, bar) but we never had room for in the condo.

1 comment:

Jim Groble said...

see if you can paint before the carpet goes down