Tuesday, October 21, 2008

They Just Took a TARDIS Out Of That Bar

Last night we went up to LA to a screening of the show "Heroes." Why? To watch Sean's friend David make his big screen debut as Eric Doyle aka The Puppetmaster. It was great! David's character was the highlight of the episode - his character is so creepy. But, David's one of the nicest people on the planet, so it was really hard to appreciate the creepiness of his character because I was just so excited that he got was on TV and got a lot of screen time! His character even has his own graphic novel!!

After the screening, we stayed for the burlesque show - or more specifically - the Villains Burlesque Show. I know - you're confused. David's wife produces a weekly burlesque show up in LA - so they they performed afterwards, each girl performing as a villain. It was awesome! Here are the highlights:

  • Dr. Who and the Weeping Angels: Ack! I freaked out. The first performer not only performed as a villain from Dr. Who - but as a villain from one of my favorite episodes (the episode is incredibly tense, stressful and the writing's tight). Did I mention she built a TARDIS to use during her performance?
    • PLUS! this served as the inspiration for my and Sean's Halloween costumes - stay tuned to see how they turned out...
  • Cruella DeVil: Two words explain it all: puppy bath.
  • Boris and Natasha: comedic burlesque

1 comment:

Punky said...

Im so jealous!!