Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This Past Weekend

Bike ride
Saturday morning I went for a bike ride after Sean guilted me into it. He’s training for his 3rd marathon and Saturdays are his long, outdoor runs, which meant that I could either lay on the couch and clear out the DVR while he was training for his 3rd freakin’ marathon, or I could get off my a$$ and ride my bike. I chose the latter. It was great – I need to remember to bring my camera with me while I ride around Back Bay – there’s a lot of great pictures to be taken. Also, this girl’s in need of some padded bike shorts – my tush was sore after my 10 mile ride – please leave your suggestions in the comments section.

I have discovered yoga and it is wonderful. I am kicking myself for ignoring my friend G.’s invitations to join her at her Sunday morning yoga classes for so long. Yoga is the cure for all that ails you.

Cookie baking
Our vows included something about me continuing to bake cookies…so when we both got a craving for chocolate chip cookies after watching a character TV bake them – I whipped up some cookies Sunday night. I am going to try my hardest to ignore the Tupperware container of cookies taunting me from the kitchen counter.

1 comment:

Punky said...

um.....you could always bring them to the office. The cookies I mean, duh. =)